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AA Meetings

Local Meetings (In-person)

Local In-Person (face-to-face) AA meetings are available in all parts of Australia. Currently, there are approx.  1,822* listed.

​​Find Meetings near a location

AA Zoom Meetings

There are Online meetings in Australia throughout the day. Currently, there are approx. 320 each week. Online meetings are held via Zoom or Skype and some are via dial-in phone conference. ​​​Find Zoom Meetings

AA Meetings by telephone

A list of meetings that can be accessed should you not have the internet or not wish to use it. This list was compiled using the meetings list website.

​​Find Telephone Meetings

AA Reviver Magazine

You can Purchase your copy  of the AA Reviver Magazine in either Print or Digital.

Printed is $3.50 each or $42 for 12 Months.

 Click to... Order Today

Submit Upcoming Events

Click below to submit your upcoming events and have it listed on the events page. We'll list it plus promote it via the Alcoholics Anonymous NSW Facebook page!

Click to... List Event

7th Tradition - Donations

A.A.'s Seventh Tradition states: “Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” This means that only A.A. members contribute financially to A.A.​ click to... Donate

Zoom Screen User Name - accidentally breaking anonymity? 

The Steps and Traditions of AA stress the importance of preserving the anonymity of members and warning against breaking anonymity in various media forms. The 'digital' era provides new challenges compared with conventional press and radio, especially because members using 'digital' platforms might accidentally reveal their own identity just by signing-in to video-conferencing using the (default) setting full name or within their email address. The user name can be changed easily, and we thought it might be helpful to share the information below.

HOW TO MAINTAIN ANONYMITY in an Online Zoom Meeting: When you join a Zoom meeting, you will see a screen “Join a Meeting” and a box with your name in it. You can change your name in the box before joining a meeting so that you maintain anonymity. Also see this link.

AA World Services Inc has published a useful Guide about use of the internet and preserving Anonymity in AA: Click here.

ABN: 30 477 528 898   


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