Normal (in-person) AA Meeting Location - click here
Zoom AA Meetings - click here
AA Meetings by telephone - click here
Commonly read in AA Meetings:
Preamble - Serenity Prayer - "How it Works"
12 Steps - 12 Traditions - 12 Promises
12 Concepts for World Service
Let it Stay Here!
Weekly Meeting Guide Sheet
Recent Media:
ABC re On-Line Meetings
7th Tradition Contributions
Direct Bank Deposit
BSB 062–185
Account: 1088 0660
Please reference "7th Tradition"
AA NSW Service Council -- Delegates Meeting
February 2024 – Meeting Notice
The February 2024 Quarterly Meeting of Delegates of AA NSW Service Council (Inc) has been called by the Executive Committee. Please share this information with all AA Members and Groups:
Sunday, 25 February 2024 from 11:00am to 12:30pm.
As meetings continue to return to face to face, we encourage all members to attend in person. The Delegates Meeting will be held in meeting room 2.02, PHIVE Parramatta (5 Parramatta Square). The PHIVE building is very close to Parramatta Station. Street parking is untimed and free on Sundays, however it may be easier to park in the Eat St Carpark (30 George St, Parramatta). If you have any difficulty finding the venue, please call Sarah on 0422 518 242.
Zoom is available for those who cannot join us in Parramatta on the day, details are below.
Meeting ID: 294 769 4688
Passcode: Service101
Click this link to join Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2947694688?omn=84540255115
Access will commence at 10:45am
All members of AA in NSW are kindly invited to attend this Delegates Meeting
Yours in Service,
AA NSW Service Council Inc
Sarah M
Hon. Secretary
Zoom Screen User Name
accidentally breaking anonymity?
The Steps and Traditions of AA stress the importance of preserving the anonymity of members and warning against breaking anonymity in various media forms. The 'digital' era provides new challenges compared with conventional press and radio, especially because members using 'digital' platforms might accidentally reveal their own identity just by signing-in to video-conferencing using the (default) setting full name or within their email address. The user name can be changed easily, and we thought it might be helpful to share the information below.
How to Maintain Anonymity in an Online Zoom Meeting: When you join a Zoom meeting, you will see a screen “Join a Meeting” and a box with your name in it. You can change your name in the box before joining a meeting so that you maintain anonymity. Also see this link.
AA World Services Inc has published a useful Guide about use of the internet and preserving Anonymity in AA: Click here.